May 31, 2023

How to Buy a Second Home as Your Primary Residence

Thinking of buying a second home and making it your new “forever home?” Consider these tips before diving deep.

Captivated by the allure of our thriving urban scene, or yearning for a more tranquil retreat so you can rent out your second home for additional income?

Buying a second home as a primary residence can offer an array of opportunities for you, like enhancing your lifestyle options and creating new experiences.

Envision your current home as your beachfront retreat, mountain getaway, countryside escape, or city loft while you spend the majority of your time in your beautiful second home dwelling. Or, perhaps you’d like to use it as an Airbnb, VRBO, or condo, leasing it out to vacationers or long-term tenants, offsetting the cost of your new mortgage, payments, property taxes, and maintenance expenses. 🙌

Let’s unlock all the possibilities that await you when buying a second home as your primary residence!

1. Set expectations for everyone involved.

The thought of having a dedicated space beyond your current abode can be alluring, offering a world of possibilities and a chance to create new memories. But before embarking, consider your motivations behind your decision and how you can set reasonable expectations for yourself and all parties involved.

Ask yourself some questions about what you see for your second home, how you plan to use it as your primary residence, and what you’d like to do with your current home. Grab a pen, or just rummage through these questions in your mind to get a better grasp on your desires, aspirations, and dreams for using your second home as your primary residence:

  • Why am I looking to purchase a second home– and what makes it better as my permanent residence?
  • What do I envision for my current home?
  • How will my current living situation elevate through this home?
  • What’s my budget, and how will I be able to adjust my current income or budget to accommodate a second mortgage or a cash purchase?
  • What investment opportunities, if any, am I looking to reap from this, and what’s the projected income I’m reaching for?

Your motivations will be your compass, and as you continue through the process, it will continue guiding you toward the second home that perfectly aligns with your dreams.

Related: 5 Ways to Monetize Your Home and Land in Denver

2. Assess your finances.

Before doing anything else, it’s time to assess your financial readiness to take the plunge on a new home. Understanding your financial situation, relaying that to your accountant or financial advisor, and having a synchronized plan with your buying partner (if you have one) is key to continuing the buying process. Identifying key factors like your credit score, down payment options, the current interest rate, and the housing market will better prepare you for seeing a timeline in your money expenditure.

Your credit score

One of the first steps in assessing your financial situation is to review your credit scores. Lenders use credit scores to determine your creditworthiness and the interest rates they’ll offer. Request a copy of your credit report and thoroughly review it for any inaccuracies or areas that need improvement before you start applying for loans or getting into the nitty gritty of the finances.

Paying bills on time, reducing your debts, and maintaining a low credit balance are all ways you can positively impact your ability to secure a favorable loan term. Even if you’re paying with cash, it could determine the type of premium for your homeowners insurance— and could be the difference between it costing more or less than you were expecting.

Ongoing second home expenses

In addition to the initial costs, it's crucial to consider ongoing expenses associated with owning a second home, like property taxes, insurance premiums, regular maintenance, and potential homeowners association (HOA) fees. Evaluate your budget and ensure that you have room to comfortably accommodate these ongoing expenses without straining your finances.

3. Location, location, location.

Choosing the ideal location for your second home is a decision of utmost importance, as it sets the stage for the experiences and memories you'll create. The right location goes beyond mere geographical coordinates; it encompasses a variety of factors that contribute to your overall satisfaction and the long-term value of your investment. As you embark on the journey to find the perfect location for your second home, consider the following key aspects to make an informed and fulfilling decision:

  • Proximity of your second home to your primary residence. Think about the convenience and ease of travel between the two locations— would you desire a second home that is just a short drive away, allowing for frequent visits and easy access, or would you like to explore new regions and are willing to invest more time and effort into reaching your second home?
  • Lifestyle preferences: Reflect on the activities and experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment. Do you long for a tranquil retreat by the sea, a cozy cabin nestled in the mountains, or an urban oasis with access to cultural events and entertainment? Your ideal location should align with your lifestyle desires, providing opportunities for the activities and experiences that resonate with you. Consider factors such as climate, natural surroundings, local attractions, and community amenities that complement your lifestyle aspirations.
  • Accessibility: Take into account the proximity to services you might frequent, like healthcare facilities, grocery stores, restaurants, and recreational activities: what lifestyle conveniences that matter to you the most? Whether a vibrant arts and cultural scene or access to rolling hills, golf courses, or a woodsy forest getaway to forage, knowing which amenities you’ll need will help ensure your second home caters to your needs and truly enhances your life.

Related: Ravenna Homes and Lifestyle: Explore Upscale Living in Ravenna, Colorado

More than anything, it’s about making an informed decision.

Purchasing a second home means knowing your motivations, assessing your finances, and determining the location that will best suit you. And like most things in life, there’s no reason for you to go at it alone. With a team of professionals in your corner, your dream second home (whether as a primary residence or as an investment property or vacation home) can come with the confidence and enthusiasm you need to truly ensure a smooth purchasing experience— something not everyone can boast!

For custom-tailored real estate expertise from agents who’ve closed over $500 million in transactions, connect with our team at Alpha, a group of native Denverites who understand both real estate and investments.